0.0.3 -> 0.0.4 progress (29-06-24 -> 20/07/24)


Hello everyone! A busy week. It's coming up to the end of the month for my self-imposed monthly releases. The game looks visually good-enough, but the game is lacking in almost all "game-y" areas, which I'm starting to address. Things that were completed:

  • quip system: when you enter a room, or an enemy takes damage, they say a relevant snarky response. These were pretty fun to write and allows me to introduce some silly fun back in to the game.
  • space stations; Space stations are now generated in the system. You are able to dock at stations, although that doesn't do anything for the moment. You start the game at "station 0" and you do not know about any of the other stations. When you discover stations you are able to freely warp between that new station and any previously discovered station. Zooming around is pretty fun, but if you collide with an enemy pilot during warp "i.e. autopilot screwed you" you'll enter the combat phase.
  • A first tier of weapons and armour, scrap tier, or sCrap which now totally stands for space crap. This is your standard rpg "leather armour", but lets me have something to mess around with in code and for enemies to drop.
  • Most importantly, A dark-theme splashscreen logo. My eyes were hurting at night working on this.


Mostly visual changes this week. I got bored of looking at debug squares. ⬛

  • The overworld now has a nebula shader, which makes the flat space station go from looking bad to stylized (sprite still placeholder).
  • The combat section now has lighting and ambient occlusion, which makes go from looking bad to atmospheric. Noice!


  • Added Mac and Linux builds.  I unfortunately don't have a mac I can test on, so if some kind soul would be willing to test a build artifact before i upload for an end of month release that'd be hugely appreciated. https://github.com/Turtwiggy/game_engine/actions/runs/9814160219
  • Spent the rest of the week setting up a steam store page for wishlists which is being approved (or not). Making capsule art for steam in 10 different sizes took quite a while.
    • It wasn't approved, but has been resubmitted (20/07/24)


The idea is that 50% of the time you'll be managing your crew and expanding your influence (mount and blade style), and the other 50% fighting your crew through spaceships.

This (month) I was focusing on generating procedural spaceship interiors after colliding spaceships, and a first pass at combat. Everything is still pretty generic and nowhere near sci-fi enough, but enjoying working on this project.

The next week/(month) I'm gonna be focusing on various visual uplifts with ambient occlusion and upgrading some of the sprites, and working on adding some mechanics / more goals in the combat section.

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